Pat Gamby

Pat Gamby

Artist Pat Gamby was born in 1956. She lives with her husband, Steve on the farm they have operated for nearly 30 years in Hardin County, Ohio. And in the past 20 years their farm has been farmed organically.

She started drawing when only 4 years old and encouraged by teachers amazed at her skill began painting pictures as a teenager. Even when she was in high school and without any formal training, she was doing art work on commission.She really began to take her talent seriously when she and Steve worked struggling to make a go of farming and she discovered that her paintings would sell almost as readily as the milk their dairy farm was producing. Countless scenes of rural life flowed from her brush. At the same time she and Steve were raising a family, so her painting time was limited. But recently, with their 3 children raised and Steve retired from milking cows for less strenuous kinds of farming, she embarked on painting full time in a studio the couple built right on the farm.

Along with paintings inspired by her own keen eye for pastoral beauty, she limits herself to commissioned artwork. She loves to use egg tempera in her paints a difficult medium but at least the eggs are handy-they come from her own chickens. Her usual subjects are scenes of rural life and animals.

You can visit Pat's website to view more of her work here.

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