Cathy Berse

Cathy Berse

Cathy Berse is a 32 year resident of Florida and a signature member of East Coast Plein Air. Cathy attended the University of Wisconsin, University of Tennessee and Milwaukee Area Technical College. In years past she has worked as a graphic designer, teacher and muralist.


“Being an artist is not just a job. It is what I am. As an artist I interpret and analyze things I see. For example, a single tree is not just a tree, it is shapes, shadows, and values painted with feeling and emotions. Ninety-Nine percent of my oil paintings are done on site “alla prima”. I feel that it allows me to capture the light that caught my eye as well as the true colors of nature. I love what I do and it is my goal to pass that love along in my work.If a viewer can step into the scene I have just painted and get as much pleasure from it as I did painting it, I consider it a successful painting.”

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