Beth Cole

Beth Cole

A wheat farm in Western Nebraska was home for my growing up years. Most of my time was spent with a pencil or at the piano. I have always wanted to paint and in 2012, after our children were grown, I knew it was time.

My art studio is in our home at the foot of the Nebraska Sandhills. After several years of painting, I have realized my best work comes from painting what I know and love.

I have studied painting with accomplished artists such as Dave Santillanes, Chris Groves, Kim Casebeer and many others. In a world of scrolling, misunderstandings, and not so witty banter, I hope to remind viewers of the calmness and beauty of the natural world. Painting helps me turn my mind and heart upward and outward.

My paintings reside at the Cloisters on the Platte Retreat Center, Nebraska Community Foundation Offices, and in many private homes across the US and overseas. I am honored by the inclusion in the juried Nebraska Biennial at Gallery 1516 in Omaha in 2017 and 2019, and the invitation to show at the SPIRIT exhibition of Nebraska Art at the Museum of Nebraska Art, 2020.

When I am not creating I enjoy music and road trips with my husband, Gary, as well as visits from our grown children and grandsons.

You can visit Beth's website to view more of her work here.

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