Tom Sadler

Gulf Stream Pandemic
Oil on Linen Panel
19.25 x 32 in
The emotion that arise during this pandemic has been feelings of isolation and also survival. The painting of "The Gulf Stream" by Winslow Homer came to mind as a man not only isolated but also faced with an unknown future and at the total mercy of nature herself. It's the feeling of being "out of control" of the situation that gnaws at you. Some other force is steering the ship where you once had the wheel. This man drifts in his dismasted, rudderless boat, surrounded by sharks and with a waterspout approaching, which in this case represents the pandemic on the horizon. I added a coronavirus in the waters to add to the impending doom. But amidst it all he and we, have not given up hope. He scans the horizon and unbeknownst to his gaze a distant ship symbolizes his rescue. For me it now represents a vaccine or some other positive indication that we will be rescued as well and that this too will one day be over.