Cindy House

Swimming in the Rain, March 2020
Pastel on Paper
18 x 21 in
“Swimming in the Rain” is inspired by one of my favorite nearby marshes that I often visit in spring. I am fortunate to have spent my life enjoying nature. Birds never fail to provide me with a source of subject matter, as well as entertainment. Due to the solitary nature of my career as an artist, I am accustomed to “social distancing," particularly for long periods during winter; there was just never a name for it.

This year people, some perhaps unaccustomed to solitude, have discovered opportunities to go outside to escape the four walls of their surroundings and found themselves enjoying nature. It is my hope that these moments brought to them the same solace I find in the natural world and that the impressions and memories remain with them always.

My thanks go out to those working hard in this fight against this pandemic and I hope for healthier days ahead.