Tracy Klinesteker

Spring Leaf, 2020
Soft Pastel on Sanded Board
24 x 18 x 2 in
Spring Leaf: I started this painting in December of 2019, before the lockdown. It's inspired by a photo I took on my way to work in the spring of 2018. I loved the lilac color and the shape of the water drops on the leaf. The texture of the sidewalk also got my attention. I was about a third of the way through when we were locked down. I couldn't settle down and concentrate for a couple of months, so I left the painting sit on my board for quite a while. I didn't paint at all. Gradually, I relaxed a bit more, got used to the isolation, became inured to the fear. I kept looking at the unfinished painting, knowing that it was going to be a good one if I could only get back at it. One day, I couldn't come up with any more excuses to put it off, so I picked up a pastel stick and began again. The concentration for a painting like this one is very important. I began to get into the "zen" of it again, a little more each day. Finally, I finished! Now I need to find a framer that is open for business!