Stephanie Amato

Spring Goddess, April 2020
Oil on Linen
20 x 30 x 1 in
How has the Coronavirus and quarantine affected my life… It has given me the gift of time.

With all shows, events and workshops put on hold, I have taken the opportunity to look at the world that exists just outside my front door, appreciate being close to my family and immersing myself completely into my work.

With this year's mild winter and rainy spring, the flowers were bursting with blooms. I spent many days painting the irises in my own garden. This statue of Greek Goddess Hebe was never installed so I was able to move her into the flower bed and surround her with these flowers.

This pandemic has put many things into perspective for me. I realize how lucky we are to live in a time where we can reach out to friends and family online. I appreciate that I live in a beautiful town that sheltering in place is not a burden. And I am fortunate to capture the world through my artwork.