Megan Lawlor
Shoreline Shoals, Manasquan, NJ, 2020
12 x 24 in
This is a typical winter scene at the beach in winter, in my hometown of Manasquan, NJ. I have been going to this beach since my family moved there from North Jersey in 1963. It is my favorite place to paint, I feel most at home there, no matter what time of year it is. Getting up very early, I have painted many plein air sunrises at this beach. The light is always magnificent and never, ever the same...pretty miraculous!
The sea-salty, misty reflective atmosphere, particularly the deliquescence of the horizon, compelled me to paint this scene in my studio during the pandemic. The beaches and walkways were off-limits, so this was the next best thing to being there.
The sea-salty, misty reflective atmosphere, particularly the deliquescence of the horizon, compelled me to paint this scene in my studio during the pandemic. The beaches and walkways were off-limits, so this was the next best thing to being there.