Bonnie Zahn Griffith
Harmony, April 2020
Pastel on Paper
9 x 12 in
I am a plein air painter so I frequently work alone in secluded and some remote areas around the western US. With the onset of social distancing and isolation during the pandemic, painting solo took on a new feel. One felt really alone - very little activity on roads and streets. It was like time sort of stood still. Painting was my “normal.” I painted in the studio and then early in April I decided I could get out to some favorite painting spots and maintain isolation criteria. This painting is painted at Eagle Island State Park (ID) where the Boise River splits into two forks and creates this large island. Along the northern border is a great view of the river. In early spring the greens are hardly visible, but there is all this great subtle color in the undergrowth and brush along the river to capture in a painting. Going to this spot gave me an escape from the unknowns of the pandemic; a feeling of normal and worth in creating a work that shows promise of spring and a challenge of harmonious color. So became "Harmony".