Elisabeth Ferber

Emerging from Darkness into Light
15 x 30 in
During this pandemic, I decided to take advantage of “at home studio time” to paint a larger painting. I selected this subject based on the world’s current situation. In January, I took an airboat ride around Appaloosa, and took the photo which was my painting inspiration.

The viewer is under the shelter of a dense, shadowed tree canopy. Beyond the dark interior is a path. Follow the water path and it opens up into a lighted area suggesting a larger wide open lake inviting the viewer outside. The birds (humans) are sheltered in the forest (homes) but a few have ventured outside the protective forest. As we humans slowly begin to venture forth from our homes, reopen stores and return slowly to work. The darkness opens into light.

Sometimes it takes dark times for us to truly appreciate the good (light) times. Nature has many lessons to teach us.