Paula Christenson
I started painting "DW6" in August of 2020, about 6 months from when the COVID-19 quarantine started and about one month from when my dear grandmother passed away. It was finished in October 2020. As the quarantine continues, the unpleasant feeling of people, dreams, and normal life trapped grows. I initially started "DW6" with the idea of celebrating the colors of a sunlit Italian village by the sea. As work continued, the colors and figures become more diverse, extreme, and chaotic. In particular, the terracotta roofs of the village eventually inspired a red color that has encouraged interpretations of conflict or anger more than beauty. In many ways, "DW6" follows my desired workflow, which is to let my intuition inspire the interaction of colorful shapes and lines. While one interpretation of "DW6" could be chaos and conflict, I see something more. There is bravery in the struggle – a willingness to face our fears and confront the present struggle with resolute energy. Our dreams continue.