Casey Cheuvront

Desert Skies, 2019
18 x 12 x 1.50 in
Unparalleled drama in the Arizona skies is what draws me to painting clouds. This particular evening's light show did not disappoint! This painting took second place at the annual "Art for Land's Sake" exhibition and sale.

I chose this work because it is dynamic, happy, expansive, colorful - things I sorely missed particularly during the pandemic's earliest days, when we were surrounded by so much constant bad news. It represents these things to me not only because - well, it's the sky, after all - but since I used to fly hang gliders I have been fascinated by skyscapes and clouds for many years. This painting represents openness, expansiveness, and freedom, and a hope for those things to return. When I painted it I was in a "zen" place, using big bold brushwork and strong color; it's a fearless piece. I hope we can return to that mindset soon.