Joseph Daily
Called Away, 2020
Oil on Linen on Panel
12 x 16 x 0.12 in
With several painting commissions postponed during the COVID-19 lockdown, I suddenly found myself with time to pursue personal works. This still life is the first to come out of this period. It is a tribute to Schnappi, a duck who brightened up our property for almost 9 years before recently disappearing. Schnappi was the last duckling in the nest to hatch, and when my brother-in-law discovered her, she had been abandoned. My mother-in-law quickly stepped in as Schnappi’s surrogate mom – for a time Schnappi would only fall asleep while resting in her hand – and it was beautiful to witness the bond that grew between them. All we have now is our memories, which were a joy to reflect upon, and her feathers, which were a joy to paint. I’m so grateful to my wife for having collected some of these feathers once when Schnappi molted, so that I could bid her a fond farewell now through this painting.