Susan Klabak
Beach Bubbles, March 2020
Pastel on Paper
13 x 15 x 1.50 in
Spending time alone in nature or my studio is a natural way of life for me. When I find myself anxious about the news of the day as COVID-19 cases and the death toll rise, I seek solace outdoors and through painting. Nature frequently rewards me with special moments that bring renewed hope. Through the years the land has suffered from natural disasters, man-made destruction, and even the harshness of winter, yet each spring brings new growth. Observing the spring awakening of the land has been a soul-lifting reminder of the resilience of nature.
Trees and flowers in bloom, bees and butterflies aflight, and birds on wing have no concern about the global pandemic. Grass grows on the hillside and clouds continue to move across the sky. Waves continue to roll in and flow back to the sea. The Milky Way lights a path across the night sky, just as it has done since time began. Since art and nature can bring a moment of healing, a sense of peace, a calming of the spirit, let us seek out and accept the gentle reminders that the sun will, indeed, rise tomorrow.
Trees and flowers in bloom, bees and butterflies aflight, and birds on wing have no concern about the global pandemic. Grass grows on the hillside and clouds continue to move across the sky. Waves continue to roll in and flow back to the sea. The Milky Way lights a path across the night sky, just as it has done since time began. Since art and nature can bring a moment of healing, a sense of peace, a calming of the spirit, let us seek out and accept the gentle reminders that the sun will, indeed, rise tomorrow.