Rita E DiCaprio

Awakening, November 2020
5 x 7 in
As I go through these trying and uncertain times I am so grateful to live in upstate New York, near the Adirondack Mountains, where the beauty constantly astounds me. During the pandemic, I have been able to hike and explore various parts of this region which is so vast and remote that social distancing and masks are often not an issue. The mountains center me, bring me peace, and literally take my breath away no matter how many times I see them.

With the recent limitations on inside activities and events, I have taken advantage of the outdoors and created opportunities to see the mountains at various times of the day and in changing light. This piece was created during one of my favorite times of day: dawn. Morning light breaking through the darkness is always beautiful, but seeing it over these past months it also seems symbolic. No matter how dark a day, the light always comes if we are patient. For me, it's God’s reminder of hope.